Here to help you heal from your past and unhealthy relationships.

It’s time to reclaim your worth, find your freedom, and start living fully.

Natalie Russell
Self-Esteem & Relationship Recovery Coach


Picture of Natalie

I’m Natalie, a self-esteem and relationship recovery coach.

Over the past 20 years I’ve been helping people rebuild their confidence and start to live the lives they desire.

Because I’ve been there. I’ve done the messy relationships, I’ve had childhood trauma, and I’ve raised two kids by myself.

21 years ago you wouldn’t recognise me or believe I’d be where I am today. I was broken.

I’ve been through that journey. Are you ready to start yours?

Find your freedom with my FOUR STEP HOME METHOD

Heal from your past


Own your story and the part you play


Mind & Body connection


Education around healthy relationships


Are you ready to heal?

You can rewrite your story!

Whilst I know that healing can feel like a huge mountain ahead of you, and most likely the trauma is not your fault, healing is what you can do to take your power back and it will 100% be the best decision you ever make so that you can go on to find your freedom.

I always say, rather the pain of change than the pain of staying stuck in the same place, because at least the pain of change will bring you freedom and call in the life and relationships you desire.

If you have past hurts that you haven’t healed from, low self-esteem, lack of self-love and you doubt yourself constantly, it is going to show up in so many ways. But the biggest area it will impact is your relationships with others.

If you find yourself in unhealthy relationships with repeated patterns. You lack boundaries, constantly fear rejection/abandonment and completely abandon your own needs, I truly believe that once you get the relationship with yourself in order then everything else falls into place.

As someone who’s experience a lot of trauma, battled with severe low self-esteem and been in toxic unhealthy relationships and having worked with many women I know exactly what it’s like to let everyone else hold the power and dictate my worth. No one should have to feel or experience that.

From working in the field of human behaviour for over 19 years and over the past 3 years having supported 100’s of individuals, I know that the key to creating the life and relationship that you want comes from creating a loving and secure relationship with yourself" and I want that for you!

What I offer




What my clients have said

book on our retreats

Want to be “Insecure no more” and “Relationship Ready”? Then our retreats are for you.

Hosted in the most beautiful environments we deliver programmes that will help you heal from your past and gain the tools to change your story and call in the life you desire.

We know that you will leave feeling connected, empowered and excited about what the future holds.


No-one wants to do the healing journey alone. The truth is that we’re not made to do it alone. It’s lonely and we can often feel like we’re the only ones feeling the way that we do.

The Finding Freedom Women’s collective is a completely FREE, safe space to connect with other women and find your tribe.

Do you want to find freedom from your overwhelming emotions?

Have you had enough of the impact those emotions have, and then feel guilt and shame for the fact that you’re struggling?  Just saying, you’re not alone. I get you.

I’ve spent years on the hunt for what works, then put some of my best tips in this download so you don't have to hunt so hard. 

Grab your FREE copy here and get regular emails to encourage you in your journey.

Can’t wait to do the journey with you.