Workshops for organisations

What i offer

I’ve developed and delivered a trauma informed course for women prison leavers with H4W which is now a course that can be adapted for any group of women who’ve experienced trauma.

So if you are looking for someone to lead workshops with groups of women please connect with me for more info.


“Housing For Women approached Natalie to deliver a bespoke course for women accessing our Supported Accommodation. We asked Natalie to provide an empowering, trauma informed group course for women who have experienced significant trauma and have been involved in the Criminal Justice System. The women accessing our services also often have additional support needs with alcohol, homelessness and drugs. From the very beginning Natalie was extremely responsive and understood exactly what we needed and designed a detailed agenda that aimed to perfectly deliver what we had asked for. As the Service Manager, I attended the groups myself to assist Natalie and so witnessed first hand the life changing and inspiring work that Natalie was doing with the women who attended the group. The feedback was not only positive but also emotional, with the attendees begging for another course with Natalie and expressing feeling like they had control over their lives again and were able to make positive steps towards gaining freedom from their trauma. Natalie is relatable, professional and knowledgeable and more of these courses would mean more women finding their freedom. I couldn't recommend Natalie enough and would definitely reach out again for more courses in the future.”